~~~~~~~~~~ A Red Carpet Welcome to My place Under the Sun ~~~~~~~~~~

Friday, April 16, 2010

Just as Simple ..

Why does it happen that the most Simplified Solution can not cater for credibility in people. Just because it is simple , it gets the obnoxious look on entitling it as the Best option to a critical problem . Then yes , there can’t be something more insane ! Phew !!!

People look for a Complex solution for a Complex problem or at least a solution which apparently seems complex. We forget that giving a Simple solution is the most difficult task. A Simplified solution conceals the complexity or the monotony or the mammoth effort which had gone behind the back while creating it. And there lies the unique beauty of it.

More than half of the world is still oblivious to this fact or probably they pretend to be. It’s high time we come out of the psychological cocoon and view the broad spectrum at this juncture point when we desperately need to - Think Simple , Think Rational & Be innovative – but all in a Simple , dignified way.

Comeon’ folks take a break – U need to change the way u think !

P.S. – This realization comes out of Author’s Personal experience in his Professional life.

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