~~~~~~~~~~ A Red Carpet Welcome to My place Under the Sun ~~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

With Love - Forever and Always !

Very recently had read in Bangalore Mirror – the story of an old Lady who was left in the lurch by her own son in a dilapidated Old Age Home and been never looked back ! She was torn between the tears and her daily struggle to make both ends meet.

Not surprisingly - it was one of the most horrendous stories I had ever read.

I could never understand the mentality of those Stupid genre of people and even worse to make out the cold nerve – with which they leave their parents pinging the single hope on them.

Parents take those painstaking labour and  effort with a smile to bring up their kid and make him/her stand on their own foot . And later what these grown ups do ? Just walk away !

Parents - they are the people – the only people on this earth who you can blindly trust with , speak your heart out , let yourself be with all your shortcomings and still be treated as if You are the Best thing that ever happened in their life ! The Never-ending  Love and Support for you is something , Parents are just made up of.

If you ever thought of somebody who could hold the Title to be the Biggest Loser  by doing the biggest Sin of life – it’s that anarchic Moron  who let those Hands go which once held him up and made him walk.

These sick-heads suck and pollute this beautiful planet !

On a Happy note , then there are innumerable exceptions of Adults who take optimum care of their Parents and make this planet proud !

We want to see that number Grow !

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Social Network

There was a time ( Aeons ago of course !)  when Net savvy used just to be a flabby concept . Not having a Mail id or a virtual socializing account was not a surprisingly big deal .
Though personally I find it hard to believe those flaccid days without Internet. But then , that’s how it was.

Somehow things did change figuratively ! And virtual socializing turned out to be the gigantic crowd-puller.

Orkut – the social networking site and like almost all first-time-things , it took us by storm – we were college goers when I got my first account and would crave days for a scarp to drop by ! A peek-a-boo with Orkut  was as much of a mandate as air or water. Friend Requests , Scrap boxes , Communities – Subsequently used to be  the second life – Oops ! sorry the First Life in Office ( And yes Life-Saver as well !). Then somehow the Orkut craze started creeping away. Thanks to the other available socializing mediums spurting in by then.

Came Facebook - a brutal blow on Orkut – a fact proven by dozens when they shifted accounts and focus from Orkut to Facebook – I was no different either!
With it’s vast presence and succumbing popularity , Facebook  , for sure, presents itself as the front runner stallion in the virtual rat race .( P.S. - I am deliberately keeping Twitter away here )

But speaking of trend changing every minute , the flavour changes with tastes and taste changes with time.

So what’s next is the big bad question ?