~~~~~~~~~~ A Red Carpet Welcome to My place Under the Sun ~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, December 28, 2015

Have You ?

Have You ever felt the blistering criticism for Your Belief
Have You ever got the hardest kick and still stood up
Have You ever had Your dreams almost died and then Lightened them up afresh
Have You ever been thrown off Your Luxury and still reached the skies
Have You ever had Your legs tied and still ran to Finish
Have You ever been left alone and yet won a hundred hearts
Have You ever been in the worst trouble and still gave the best smile

Or At least
Have You ever seen the spark of ur true Self in the trembling times

If NOT ,
My Friend,
You haven’t Lived a Life !

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Wide Awake

There is  that  Eureka moment – And if you are Plain Gilded Lucky you might have couple of them – Re-occurring !

Priceless , Life Transforming  , Inexplicable & Gigantic experience – Awakening  the very  essential purpose and measures - in every dimensions of Life .  The answers to all your questions –  however  mussy or flummoxed  , is insinuated – simple and easy.

 Juxtapose yourself – Wide Open and Free .

And Voila ! Its All There – Clear , crystallized and comprehensive – Magical beyond imagination .

If you happen to pass by one of those – Pull Over & Grab it – You will never Be the Same Again !

Thank GOD !

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Vande Mataram

Said Albert Einstein - “Without Indians no worthwhile discoveries could have been possible
And we , for sure are proud with all our Heritage - ‎31 States , 1618 Languages , 6 Major Religions , 29 National Festivals AND 1 Country !

Today on the occasion of 64th Independence day , let's salute the countless Freedom fighters, sung and unsung patriotic soldiers of the country – it was their painstaking and breathtaking Valor & Sacrifice that triggered the sense of Freedom at the bosom of this land.

Which is why - here is India standing with her Head erect – Glorious , Stronger and certainly much more Powerful !

The 26 letters of alphabet are just not sufficient enough to delineate the sense of pride and ecstasy of being an Indian !

Friday, December 5, 2014

Of Head , Heart and things !

Those moments of madness spark - dwelling on the Ubiquitous - Heart & Head battle !

Felt  – small extent , big extent or enormously big ones at times .  
The proverbial  Head v/s Heart battle have been Apple of the eye for debaters . Well I’m not to debate here on that nor do I possess the textual gamut of words for the same.

However I do noticed the irony which Life throws at times making you Think twice , thrice or more on things  you have always took as your capability ground !

How do we tilt our eyes over decisions – is it the Head or the Heart - which outweighs the other ?
For sure there are people who open their Heart out on decisions and so are people judgmental with the eye-glasses of Head. Perhaps we are more attached  or prone to one than the other. Then there are the Lucky bunch of people who are perfectly at balance with the Head & Heart !

Personally I have been  struggling with the Judicial balance and of course been Unsuccessful !  This draws a very strict line for my way of thinking  persuading me at one-side .The fact is everytime , I have budged and inch from my Traditional way , I have had a Bullet in my skull . When you live your ideology which seems to have worked for you over time , it is really foolish to pick up the other way round and make it forcefully work !
If your Head has ruled , let it rule and if your Heart has ruled , let it rule. Exception – only when you have tried for the harmony of Head & Heart. Fortunately if you happen to bring forth the Harmony , it can be a Life changing Twilight – not many attain the same though .

As we grow over the years , we build a bridge sustaining the flamboyant peace and equilibrium and a paved way of materializing over and over.  It takes innumerous days , months and years for drawing the Uniformity . And when you suddenly shake that up , you dodge on a rocky slide!

Guess what – you are upside-down now. Freeing things is good but not at the cost of changing things – and obviously not at the way you have preferred – Head or Heart -  whatever so far . There is a small voice within , whispering  on way in and way out.

There are certain things , circumstances &  people - out of reach and they better be ! It’s easy to pour your heart out (averse to Head) at the beginning – but what makes it worthwhile cum  standstill in the long run , is how you stand to your ground in the rainy & troublesome days or just left in the lurch.
For Words , Mouth-Claims and Actions often don’t go hand-in-hand . They tend to betray each other in one way or the other in the course of time. If you were unaware of it , Life throws challenges and milestones to pave the way .
This brings life - wide awake and clear – straight on the face  . You are lucky if you can keep the soul high & un-burnt  at the end . After all , its Survival of the Fittest – If you sailed through , you rock and if you din’t , then my brother , you are doomed !

As such , I prefer sticking to my age-old Doctrines – For they keep me Balanced and Grounded. And although I might prefer one over the other ( Head  & Heart) – it somehow have been justifying my existence and Scrupulously attunes the Chord of Harmony .

Something tells me , It’s the Head !

 Touché !

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Other Side

The Other Side – What Lies in there ? Is it more Peaceful , shiny or serene now ?

Well questions behoove – often now and then . But it’s not the “Grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side” kind – for  that kind appears as being a little ungrateful to the current side . I feel so !

Standing at the bank of decisions , taken aplomb , uncertainties do prevail however. But at the end of the day , we ought to be happy & at peace and obviously not at the cost of others . Every human being has the right to choose , to stride and to deserve calmness.
And the much acclaimed freedom.

If the Straight-jacket is nerve-twisting , we ought to take it off. And so you need to free the bird. Bird which is captive inside and the Bird which we en-caged outside. Either ones need the freedom.

But is there an aftermath ?

Do we think & decide ? Or Do we decide and then think-over  ?

If life is the flowing river , are the banks across both sides sign freely and with a pinch of cool breeze . It should .

If not , then harmony on the banks of river would be perturbed.  This takes back to the age old questions – is peace re-stored , things back in order – on the Other Side ? No difference spotted.

Hopefully one day it will .

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Good , the Bad and the Ugly

The Good , the Bad and the Ugly !
We all have them – in plenty – sometimes balanced and at times un-balanced creating un-called havoc and utter nuisance and at times unscrupulous happiness .
And the surprising thing is – sometimes being Bad in good and being Good is bad. Though this does not sum up the entire gamut . The entire experience runs around peace , pleasure , feelings , vibes , warmth ,emotions and all that surrounds human pyschology.

However the most weird point about this whole experience is when you don’t make out that you are being good or bad and even ugly sometimes !  It’s difficult to escape the hurrling mental wrack amidst the plethora of emotions you are dragged into.

Having said that , Good , Bad or the Ugly – are the three facets of us – we all are made as such  - inevitable , inescapable and bitter Truth. Like they say - Love it or hate it but you just cant ignore it.

The Angel and Demon side preceeds and we let us get enveloped.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Off and On

The Demon and the Wise
And sometimes
The Demon v\s the Wise
The sides we have
Often off our own sight

The side is taken
Black and White
Whichever side
Engulfs the Soul
Painstaking it is
At most times Not So Easy
To the Present more than the past
For Recluse doesn’t help
Some things what we Lost

The thin line of Hope
And thin wave of  Faith
Beacons the coming days
The Grass , they say , is greener on the other side
But then  those are away off from your eyes !
Living in Today
When they say
The Next starts Here
Right Here .