~~~~~~~~~~ A Red Carpet Welcome to My place Under the Sun ~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, December 28, 2015

Have You ?

Have You ever felt the blistering criticism for Your Belief
Have You ever got the hardest kick and still stood up
Have You ever had Your dreams almost died and then Lightened them up afresh
Have You ever been thrown off Your Luxury and still reached the skies
Have You ever had Your legs tied and still ran to Finish
Have You ever been left alone and yet won a hundred hearts
Have You ever been in the worst trouble and still gave the best smile

Or At least
Have You ever seen the spark of ur true Self in the trembling times

If NOT ,
My Friend,
You haven’t Lived a Life !

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Wide Awake

There is  that  Eureka moment – And if you are Plain Gilded Lucky you might have couple of them – Re-occurring !

Priceless , Life Transforming  , Inexplicable & Gigantic experience – Awakening  the very  essential purpose and measures - in every dimensions of Life .  The answers to all your questions –  however  mussy or flummoxed  , is insinuated – simple and easy.

 Juxtapose yourself – Wide Open and Free .

And Voila ! Its All There – Clear , crystallized and comprehensive – Magical beyond imagination .

If you happen to pass by one of those – Pull Over & Grab it – You will never Be the Same Again !

Thank GOD !