It’s been a long journey , a real long one. Smitten by the unneeded and non-plausible aspects all the way so far. But that’s it. I am tired of playing Sophomore!
It always was more of others than me. Mislaying one’s own self-image under one’s own nose is the dirtiest way of surviving. More so if you are aware of it but not doing something enough about it.
It’s not worth to let yourself go astray for others – not in this cut-throat jet age. Do so and you are the best target of circumstances.
The last 8 years in this city has brought forth tremendous changes – the care-for-everybody teenager has fought numerous mental battles within and outside himself just to realize that if you are not happy with yourself & don’t love yourself first , you are not going anywhere. And if this sounds selfish , then that’s how it is !
The world can take care of itself and we need to take care of ourselves. The last 3 years ,especially, had instilled a zest to live for myself . I seem to have woken up a long lull. For the first time in my life , I feel free - I have learnt to do things which I like and enjoy doing without giving a damn!!! And for the rest of the Mass , Devil may care !!
All of a sudden I remember a line by Sloan ( Morgan Freeman) from the movie Wanted – “It's a choice, Wesley, that each of us must face: to remain ordinary, pathetic, beat-down, coasting through a miserable existence, like sheep herded by fate - or you can take control of your own destiny and join us, releasing the caged wolf you have inside.”
So dude Go for the kill or you won’t go any far !
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