~~~~~~~~~~ A Red Carpet Welcome to My place Under the Sun ~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ruled Timings or Timed Rules

Sticking Rules and Breaking Rules – And the dilemma pursues the matter as does the war between Heart & Mind.

It’s not very often that we prefer to go out of the Rules - for Rules means being on the safer side on the Highway.

But then - what if  You don’t know the Rules ?
Or if you don’t know What you really do want ?

There can’t be a more confusing and irritating situation – that you can think of right now.

As someone rightly said – “When you don’t know Where you want to Go , You can Pick any Way to Stride on !”

So the risk is – If you don’t fall for Something , you would fall for Anything !

The easiest words delivered to counteract is – Get the “What” clarified , identified or unmasked. But then is it really that easy ?
Damn not ! There are situations in life which can keep you baffled , intrigued and befuddled – in a way that you never thought , is possible.

So here's a Red Carpet Welcome to the Real Life my friend !

It means you are knocking at the doors of life or you need more time and it definitely means – You are so much Alive and certainly Podering over the whereabouts!

It’s just a normal and very common temperament of life – But whats equally Important is to get the Answers on Time. Having said that – we have so much Penchant for forbidden things that at the end we just end up doing them. However if that keeps the Happiness Quotient justified , we are Right in doing so !  Being on The Right Side at Right Time at the Right moment can get  delayed , Intentionally on unintentionally.  

None the less Sometimes Delay means Denial  - and that can dig the ground for A Burial !

So Keep the Fingers crossed if the Eyes are Wide Open J


Aditi said...

Happy new year..Finally a Post from u..Have been so Eagerly waiting for your Post for So Long..u hav inspired me to start my own Blog...Good Post Sandip ..Keep writing :-)

Anonymous said...

Found ur Post on a Random visit.very Nicely written.

SD said...

@Aditi - Thanks a lot ! Happy New Year to you too :-)
@Anonymous - Thanks. Much Appreciated your visit :-)

SD said...

@Seema - Many Thanks :-):-):-)