~~~~~~~~~~ A Red Carpet Welcome to My place Under the Sun ~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Lines

Lines of Life  - Binds us , Separates us , Distinguishes us and Qualifies us for the esteemed entries into the Edifice of Being Human !

There is a Very Thin Line which the very existence between being Optimistic , Pessimistic and being Realistic.

Optimism says - the facts you think you can change , Pessimism disappoints you in that aspect and being Realistic compels you to contemplate – if the Effort is really worth changing the fact !

Life comes a Full circle when we move alongside the Perimeter of its nooks and corners . You feel the Bad , you feel the Good and then You Realise that’s what makes  – Who You are Today ! This part and parcel so much necessitates of our daily being and enduring the Secrets .

Things change , Sometimes don’t  change and sometimes its somewhere between the two. As ramifying and as  flurrying as it sounds , the worst is sometimes the Best and the vice versa.

Way above our manipulating minds , there resides the conscience – its Hard , real Hard to get hold of it though – for enlightening the best decisions , the best changes and the best methods to accomplish. It takes years to Learn and Unlearn as needed . Learning the Ropes gets as much easier as nerve-wracking unlearning is for certain matters !

And Interestingly ,more often than not , we just keep beating about the bush – here and there – flowing with no mind. 

Effortless ? Might be the Answer , but in the long run , Things needing to get zeroed in , multiplies in the geometric progression. Sometimes for the glory earned in the Past , we Pay in the Present and the once-full pocket cries for a handful of coins.

The Pessimistic and the sadist will cry over the spilled milk in the present , the Optimistic will think he will get another bowl of it and the Realistic will make sure the part left out should not be given up At any cost .

This defines life , this defines us , and definitely defines the Line of actions .
So Where do you fit in exactly ?