~~~~~~~~~~ A Red Carpet Welcome to My place Under the Sun ~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, October 28, 2013

Through-out !

The Stout , sturdy nights
Bedazzled, confused but still enlightened
Those who feared the nights
How do they pass them through ?
Did you see them afraid of the darkness
And Of the sleepy nights
Or of losing the conscience ?
And the restless souls
Flickering vehemently
Heard been said
But a question now
Is the best Way out
Always the one that goes through ?
Perhaps yes
Perhaps not
Who knows best
Those who been thorugh
Or those who are yet to savour the mighty long way.
If it was easy
It would be everyone’s cup of tea
For It Builds some
And it Breaks some
How you take it
Shows Who you are Inside
And What you have in place
Is it just the blood
Or a pumping Heart inside
Or both
When you find it out
Let it Out  !
It might save you
In the way that goes through !